Monday, 15 August 2011

ArteCitta Project Blog

The ArteCitta Foundation recently held a week long course in La Taha, Sierra Nevada, near Granda in Spain. As a result of this week a network of multi-disciplinary individuals all working within and around the subject of synesthesia has been formed. To suppor the connections made Artecitta has put together a blog as a platfrom for projects and colaborations around synesthesia

Monday, 18 April 2011

Up coming synesthesia events in Spain (Artecitta)

3 synesthesia events organised by the The Artecitta Foundation 2011 - 2012.

  • The summer Summer course on Science, Art and Synesthesia in Almeria

  • Muvi3 syesthesia film festival

  • International Conference on synesthesia Science and Art IV

Find out more at:

The website is in Spanish but can be translated into English. For more information in Spanish or English Email

Sunday, 9 January 2011

The experience of z+d

z+d has synesthesia and likes electronic music visit

the somatic responses, spatiality & appearance of particular songs done as "sonic sittings"

Sunday, 2 January 2011

I make Music and Art because I have Synesthesia.

"I make Music and Art because I have Synesthesia."
Says Kaye James Halley
The image above is "based on glitchy beats"

Synthesiac Adventures In Digital Emotion