Saturday, 26 December 2015

Synaesthesia and Cross-Modal Perception: International Conference, Dublin 21-23 April 2016

The UK Synaesthesia Association is now inviting submissions to attend the meeting entitled “Synaesthesia and Cross-modal Perception" 
organised by Kevin Mitchell and Fiona Newell in conjunction with the UK Synaesthesia Association, to be held in April 21st-23rd, 2016. This meeting will take place in the Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
The aim of the meeting is to provide a forum to present and discuss the latest findings on cross-modal perception and synaesthesia. We aim to include scientific input from many different disciplines, with a variety of perspectives from molecule to mind, relating to cross-modal perception. Of particular interest is to elucidate the cross-modal processes which underpin synaesthesia, and to use synaesthesia as a model to unravel the conscious processes that are triggered by cross-talk between the senses.
Keynote talks:
Amir Amedi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Romke Rouw, University of Amsterdam
Contributions are welcome on any topic relevant to cross-modal processing, sensory substitution, multisensory integration and synaesthesia, including first-hand accounts of synaesthesia.
Abstract deadline: January 8th. Submit here
This meeting will be hosted in Trinity College Dublin: Founded in 1592, Trinity is Ireland’s top ranked university. As many of you will be aware, George Berkeley is a former Fellow of Trinity College and whilst he was here he penned his famous essay entitled ‘A new theory of vision’, the contents of which are still relevant to current research on cross-modal processes. The College itself is also ideally situated in the centre of Ireland’s vibrant capital city. The city of Dublin has a long history of being the world-leading venue for significant cultural and scientific events.
The meeting is being  held in conjunction with the UK Synaesthesia Association (, the world’s first organised association for the synaesthesia “community”, including researchers and synaesthetes themselves.
Kevin Mitchell, Smurfit Institute of Genetics, Trinity College Dublin
Fiona Newell, School of Psychology and Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin
James Wannerton, UK Synaesthesia Association

Synaesthesia - views [MAPS Film School10]

Friday, 2 October 2015

The shape of music from China's Tang Dynasty as seen by Ninghui Xiong and Timothy B Layden

These paintings were produced over the summer of 2015 as collaboration between Nunghui Xiong and Timothy B Layden after meeting at the VI Interantional Congress on Synesthesia, Science and art held in Spain by the ARTECITTA FOUNDATION, May 2015.

Ninghui Xiong,  
Wang Zhoa Fantasy, mixed media on Canvas

Ninghui Xiong, 
Qin Bei Lie Fantasy, 
Mixed media on Canvas

Ninghui Xiong, Li Sao Fantasy, mixed media on canvas 

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Bird Sounds Visualised

Bird Sounds Visualised from Andy Thomas on Vimeo.
Bird sounds captured using a digital audio recorder and fed into a computer to activate particle effects.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Michael Haverkamp

Raewyn Turner

James Wannerton

Timothy B Layden

Jane Murtagh and Daniel McBride

Pepa Salas Vilar 

Arlene Rabinowitz

Christine Soffing

Maria Jose de Cordoba

Teknesyn Artists

Michael Haverkamp

Raewyn Turner

James Wannerton

Timothy B Layden

Jane Murtagh and Daniel McBride

Pepa Salas Vilar

Arlene Rabinowitz

Christine Soffing

Maria Jose de Cordoba

Teknesyn visual art exhibition; Alcala la Real 15 - 18 May 2015